Thursday, December 30, 2010

I sit here at a cross road, and even though I am not going back to a new school. I feel like a lot is changing in my life.
Since I've been back from Uganda, I havent talked much about it, I was an acclimatizer or what ever they are really called without a doubt
But this sneaking thought keeps on coming into my head, that they way I can best love Uganda, America, Scotland, heck even Timbuktu is to care for the environment because by doing that (not the extreme version) you care for people
Did you know that organic farmers love their Job ? I didn't until this summer
Did you know that conventional farms take up huge tracts of land and are business like in the way they are run? I didn't until this summer
Did you know that conventional dry cleaning hurts the workers who work in the dry cleaning stores? I didn't until last year
Did you know this can be easily remedied by just looking up a eco friendly dry cleaner in your area? believe me if there is two in Wichita you can find one anywhere
I watched a documentary on coal mining yesterday, I was on Morgan Spurlocks TV show called 30 days and he was in it. And It was one of the most politically neutral things i have ever seen and because of this I allowed it to hit me in the gut.
Right now there is not a better alternative then coal for electricity, but coal mining is one of the most dangerous jobs and the not dangerous version is tearing away the beautiful mountain tops of west virginia. I sat there my mouth literally drooling over the beautiful scenery I was seeing, and then I found out it was slowly going away.
I know the answer to protect peoples lively hoods is not doing away with electricity and trying to stop the government from allowing coal based electricity. Instead I believe that a solution must be found that works as well as coal, so that slowly the coal industry can become obsolete.
I have become convinced more and more over the past several months of my life, that what I pay for and purchase can do as much to affect the country, as voting for a particular politician, if not more. Not that buying more is good, actually I am all for buying less. What I mean is we must put thought behind our purchases,
That and we must get out of our bubbles and care for the people around us, the little old lady down the street, we must know the people we live around. We must take like and live it not like it is something to get through but instead we must recognizing that it itself is also a treasure. We must embrace it. We have to get back to the basics.
We must go outside and play in God's wonderful creation,
we must be present with the people around us
we(and I'm talking mostly to myself here) must get off our butts and really live life

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