Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I was so homesick while i was in Uganda for the first couple months, and then during everything with my Gahgee that when i got home i needed to literally just forget Uganda and Just be with my family with my home. I needed to celebrate pine trees, play in the mountains, love my incredible incredible family
but well the time to forget Uganda is gone
I miss the smell of rain
I miss trips to get chapati and rolexs
I really miss the wonderful usp and ugandan people i met.
and I've realized I'm different
I still don't quite fit into the space i left
I still look at our trash-can that gets filled up once a day with distain
(don't ask me why Uganda had an environmental influence on me, I have no idea)
I often feel like I come from a different planet then my peers
and even though I'm pretty sure that God will never ever call me to Africa
Pine-trees and having four seasons and such are just too dear to my heart not to mean something
(it's sounds weird but well it's something you have to experience for yourself)
I'm starting to wonder one again
Could he be calling me to Eastern Europe?
Politically well I've never been more confused in my life
and well spiritually, theologically I still know what I believe and it's really not different, but well I'm not as concerned as I once was about having perfect theology
I'm more concerned about how to best share God's wonderful amazing love with the world
I'm wanting to live simply, more then ever before
and often when I start to buy something, I stop realizing I don't truly truly need it.
and well there's this small small part of my heart that will always be in Uganda
and another part of me that will forever dream about living in a tent, cut of from the materialism excess of our world
Just like the earth around me is warming up, so is my heart, it's crying out to live again, to make a difference in the world around me

* and if you are wanting to hear abut Uganda.....upset I didn't share much when I got home.... well I'm ready to share

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