Sunday, January 22, 2012

I just got back from a weekend with friends. Most of these friends I have known for my whole time at CCU. Friends where you don't have to worry about getting to know each other, because your past that stage. Friends where you simply get to be friends, no need to impress. It's something I haven't experienced much with the wandering I do, and it was beyond refreshing. It was also a weekend of goodbyes for one of my first CCU apartmentmates and dear friends Larissa was saying goodbye before moving back home to Indiana.

College Graduation is a weird thing. because your not going to have the same hometown, and see each other for holidays. But college friends, well they are deeper then high school friends. and the friendships that are deep are friends for life, I have seen it with my own parents. So I've decided this is not a semester of goodbyes but of see you laters. Its kind of fun actually. College is a time of dreaming and preparing for the future. It's fun to see friends actually getting there.

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