Thursday, September 15, 2011

a had a weird realization when I was frantically writing my Global century 1 paper this morning (I think deep thoughts when i write papers, don't ask me why, it's half the reason why it takes me so long and my GPA is what it is)
I never dream about Uganda
Ive had dreams about Scotland, and Colorado, about Georgia, about New York, but not about Uganda.
I actually sat there for a second and realized
I've never had a (memorable) dream about Uganda
except maybe the week after I got home, but I cant even remember if that's true
Why is this I wonder?
Is it another sign that it is not where God has called me?
Or is it because I never gave my heart truly away to Uganda as I have so many places?
Or is it because of the unfamiliarity, that was Uganda, and how the whole thing seemed like a dream, so it's hard to dream of such things?
Why do we dream what we dream? Does God speak through our dreams on a consistent basis?

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