Monday, August 16, 2010

This time next week I'll be over the Atlantic on my way to Africa.
I cant believe it I cant believe I'm actually doing this.

I don't know if you all know the story of how I signed up for this
I started looking at the page in January. But it was in a oh that's cool but I would never do that short of way. I guess I shouldn't of thought that because by the end of February I couldn't get out of my mind. That and well I was cold really cold. I was tired of wearing snow boots, I just wanted to feel the warm sun on my skin. I get spring fever every year, and that's where I thought my Uganda desire came from, so I ignored it. But by the end of March the feelings got to be to much, thankfully (I thought) there wasn't enough time to apply.......

So I went off to Scotland with a plan that next fall I would return and study abroad there. I was free from this silly idea that I was going to study abroad in Uganda. Me, Uganda, no way, in my head I thought God don't you remember scared little me in Jamaica, you can't be calling me to Africa.... And because of this you must be calling me to Scotland. Scotland is where I'll go nice, modern, Scotland, Funny thing though is even though I loved the Scottish people as I always have I started to notice how much living in Scotland is like living in America, and this was the last thing I wanted for Study Abroad...... Oh what to do!?!, But the tears when I left made me believe it would still be a nice study abroad experience.

I got home, went back to school And then I got an email..... They had extended deadline for the Uganda Studies Program, I was like great..... there goes that excuse. Whats going on here God? I even emailed the lady asked her if I was crazy to even consider this, with my lack of third world experience. I fully expected her to say it would not be a good idea to go, instead though she thought the program sounded perfect.

Pretty much by the end of the week, and thanks to a Africa night, I swallowed my fear and started to apply... still wondering what the heck was going on.

Funny thing though the next day I found out I got into the Scotland program. And when I got that call I couldn't of been less excited, and then I knew something was up. It was Scotland, I go crazy when I see a Scottish flag, now a lady told me I got in to the program I had to apply for special admittance to and all I could manage was a weak yay, What?!? But in my heart I knew what it was, God was saying no to Scotland. As a result I finished the application, sent it off and said well God it's in your hands now. And well the, mystery didn't last long, I was accepted within 2 days of sending in the final paperwork. This time when I was accepted it was completed with a mouth covering scream of excitement, God was calling me to Uganda and I was going to go!

Sorry if this was very scattered, i just wanted to tell you all how if wasn't me who decided to go to Uganda but it was God who called me there, and well after a fight I listened. Me and God have a history of this. The first time I went to Scotland God was like GO! and I was like I'm Scared! and God was like Go! and I said NO! and God once again said Go! and I said Okay if I must.... The was the most life changing and best trip I have ever been on in my entire life.

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