I love how I just started packing for Christmas break, my Christmas break that will be mostly spent in Kansas and New Jersey, So What have i packed so far?
Long johns
Ski Pants
Ski Boots
Layering pieces
3 hats
and a pair of gloves
I'm sure glad my packing priorities are in the right place
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
SO before i write this let's make it very clear there are many many things and people I miss in Gerogia. but I've realized something once again being back today, how thankful I am for Colorado and for CCU. For the people, the way it is allowing me to grow as a person. The chance to stretch, to grow, to learn. For this I am eternally thankful. God should knows what he's doing when he directs our paths
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
SO I "joined" my first ministry a ccu tonight. and I can not even explain how very excited I am for it.
It's way out of my comfort zone of familiarity but it's refreshingly familiar at the same time. See I'm going to be working with urban youth in the city of Denver by volunteering at bible club of sorts every Wednesday night. Just reaching out to these children and loving them and giving them the strong adult christian mentors they need in their life.
I sat there in the meeting/training session tonight and I couldn't help but think that possibly this ministry was part of the reason God called me to ccu. My heart for missions is growing by leaps and bounds every time I open my world geography book. I am so excited to see how it all fits together.
It's way out of my comfort zone of familiarity but it's refreshingly familiar at the same time. See I'm going to be working with urban youth in the city of Denver by volunteering at bible club of sorts every Wednesday night. Just reaching out to these children and loving them and giving them the strong adult christian mentors they need in their life.
I sat there in the meeting/training session tonight and I couldn't help but think that possibly this ministry was part of the reason God called me to ccu. My heart for missions is growing by leaps and bounds every time I open my world geography book. I am so excited to see how it all fits together.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
SO I was just reading in my new testment book, and it was decribing the city of Jerusalem and the mountains that surround it. I cant help but compare it to where I am now. Not in anyways saying Denver is a more holy city. But just the fact that God created the mountains and the foothills I see everyday on my way to class for his glory.
My love I am slowly developing for the mountains here is one of the most expected and unexpected things about ccu. I knew I was going to love them, but i did not realize how important they would be to me. When I walk to class and I see the foothill that peers over campus, it is as if I am seeing the majesty of God in one snapshot. These mountains are indeed capturing my heart, and changing my life.
My love I am slowly developing for the mountains here is one of the most expected and unexpected things about ccu. I knew I was going to love them, but i did not realize how important they would be to me. When I walk to class and I see the foothill that peers over campus, it is as if I am seeing the majesty of God in one snapshot. These mountains are indeed capturing my heart, and changing my life.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
in college short update
So the one thing i have to say about ccu and being in colorado so far, is that these mountains completely and totally have my heart. They have become so very important to me in this week and a half.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I move to Colorado tomorrow.....
my heart is filled with nerves and excitement....
my dream is finally coming true .......
God is so very good
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight
I move to Colorado tomorrow.....
my heart is filled with nerves and excitement....
my dream is finally coming true .......
God is so very good
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your paths straight
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
This time next week i will be living in Colorado, i will be all moved into my dorm and everyone will be there. Thats an exciting thought.
I Keep thinking about the events that got me to the place I am
From growing up going to The Great Sacandaga Lake and developing a love of outdoors and skiing This love of outdoors that has made it so that every time I'm out in the wilderness, or even taking a walk on the golf course in my neighborhood, I literally never want to come inside (that is if the weathers perfect and no mosquitoes).
To going to skiing and how perfect that trip was, and how I thought for the first time, I never want to leave Colorado. A thought that has been extremely present on every trip out there this year.
To going to scotland and even though it was a missions trip, the biggest thing I saw happen on that trip was to myself. I became me and started trusting in God, i fell in love with him. My going to CCU would not of been possible without this trip.
To praying about CCU my senior year being so positively sure that it was the right school for me and so positive that I could never go to a school that far away.
To moving to Wichita and once again opening up the idea of CCU in my head.
And then the Day I was accepted, I will never forget that day.
To all the thoughts and dreams I have for my 3 years at CCU, i know these will be three years I will never forget.
It's been been a crazy crazy adventure, and I have treasured every step of it. I am so excited to see the second chapter of my CCU book and the changes, opportunities, and growth it will bring.
I Keep thinking about the events that got me to the place I am
From growing up going to The Great Sacandaga Lake and developing a love of outdoors and skiing This love of outdoors that has made it so that every time I'm out in the wilderness, or even taking a walk on the golf course in my neighborhood, I literally never want to come inside (that is if the weathers perfect and no mosquitoes).
To going to skiing and how perfect that trip was, and how I thought for the first time, I never want to leave Colorado. A thought that has been extremely present on every trip out there this year.
To going to scotland and even though it was a missions trip, the biggest thing I saw happen on that trip was to myself. I became me and started trusting in God, i fell in love with him. My going to CCU would not of been possible without this trip.
To praying about CCU my senior year being so positively sure that it was the right school for me and so positive that I could never go to a school that far away.
To moving to Wichita and once again opening up the idea of CCU in my head.
And then the Day I was accepted, I will never forget that day.
To all the thoughts and dreams I have for my 3 years at CCU, i know these will be three years I will never forget.
It's been been a crazy crazy adventure, and I have treasured every step of it. I am so excited to see the second chapter of my CCU book and the changes, opportunities, and growth it will bring.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes (and communities and schools) to remedy this kind of poverty.
Mother Teresa
Thoughts?, comments?
*I added the () comment
Mother Teresa
Thoughts?, comments?
*I added the () comment
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So a weird emotion is going through me that I wasn't expecting before I left for ccu, because I didn't experience before shorter. See when I left for shorter I wasn't leaving as many friends behind and they were living in the same county as me so I knew I would see them again, it was easy to keep in touch with them. But this time its different much different. My great friends that I made at shorter (they know who they are) became like family to me , and well it's a little weird to think about going through college stuff without them, even though I know they are a short call away and we will meet again someday. And than there are many other people at shorter, who meant a lot to me. And well I don't know if I will ever see them again. And that's a weird feeling. I really feel like I'm starting a new chapter of my life, when I only started the last chapter two years ago.
But there is a glimmer of hope, i woke up today with such excitement about CCU. I know its where God wants me to be and I am so excited to see why. I'm excited to make new friends that feel like family, and for new adventures. I'm excited for the mountains, the mountains that have captured my heart.
I really can't believe it's only twenty days away
But there is a glimmer of hope, i woke up today with such excitement about CCU. I know its where God wants me to be and I am so excited to see why. I'm excited to make new friends that feel like family, and for new adventures. I'm excited for the mountains, the mountains that have captured my heart.
I really can't believe it's only twenty days away
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Some CCU Prayer Requests
SO yeah
I have been doing much updating on my blog recently
I think this is mostly because there are so many emotions going through my head
disbelief- because It's really unbelievable that I am actually going to ccu, it is purly a sign of how good God is and how he always has a plan for us even though sometimes the things he does might seem a little odd at first. .
Excitment - Because well I think the above description pretty much covers this. It's um well COLORADO MOUNTAINS ADVENTURE have I mentioned mountains yet. and then my room, my amazing room and the girls that will live there that already seem like friends. I can not wait to meet them in person. And then the chance to use my college career to grow closer and learn bout God, it's what first made me start to look at ccu in the fall and well I'm excited
Gosh I'm almost crying now I'm such a crybaby
Nervousness - I am scared to live far away from home. This is a huge step for a girl who came home everyweekend .I'm excited but this whole distance thing is making me nevous. But I know that God's in control and he is good.
So please be praying
For health and good travels - I'm wondering how this whole altitude thing really will affect me and then I'm driving most of the way there
For home sickness
For good close friends that will grow to seem like family, this has alot to do with the above prayer request. I know its what i need to not be homesick
and that I take advantage of every oppurtunity offered to me at ccu
and that I don't cry the whole first week there because I know i'll be so excited and amazed that I'm actually there. And well those two emotions usually bring tears to my eyes.
I have been doing much updating on my blog recently
I think this is mostly because there are so many emotions going through my head
disbelief- because It's really unbelievable that I am actually going to ccu, it is purly a sign of how good God is and how he always has a plan for us even though sometimes the things he does might seem a little odd at first. .
Excitment - Because well I think the above description pretty much covers this. It's um well COLORADO MOUNTAINS ADVENTURE have I mentioned mountains yet. and then my room, my amazing room and the girls that will live there that already seem like friends. I can not wait to meet them in person. And then the chance to use my college career to grow closer and learn bout God, it's what first made me start to look at ccu in the fall and well I'm excited
Gosh I'm almost crying now I'm such a crybaby
Nervousness - I am scared to live far away from home. This is a huge step for a girl who came home everyweekend .I'm excited but this whole distance thing is making me nevous. But I know that God's in control and he is good.
So please be praying
For health and good travels - I'm wondering how this whole altitude thing really will affect me and then I'm driving most of the way there
For home sickness
For good close friends that will grow to seem like family, this has alot to do with the above prayer request. I know its what i need to not be homesick
and that I take advantage of every oppurtunity offered to me at ccu
and that I don't cry the whole first week there because I know i'll be so excited and amazed that I'm actually there. And well those two emotions usually bring tears to my eyes.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
So wondering through the aisles of super target today, I for some reason found probably the weirdest thing I have ever seen in a grocery store...... the batter blaster.
Its pancake batter in a whipped cream can. and I must admit my first thought was this is so unnatural and I had visions of the Jetsons going through my head. But then I saw the word ..organic it's natural after all!!. And knew that I just had to try it. Organic pancakes out of a can who would of thought. SO I came home and made a couple and there actually quite good. batter blaster is a success!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
My love for the outdoors
I might be one of the more unlikely people to decided they want to minor in outdoor leadership. I'm girly, I'm not so athletic, I just have the average amount of experince outdoors. but........
I grew up spending some of my summer at my grandparents house in upstate New York. Going there was better than getting to go to Disney world. It was where I got to do all the things I loved the most. As a kindergartner I was extremely girly, so girly in fact, that I refused to wear pants and actually cried once when I had to wear them. But I didn't mind them as much if it meant I got to go on a hike in the woods. The woods where everything came to life, where everything was filled with adventure. Where everything was all mossy and wet and you could look for orange salmanders and see great beautiful waterfalls. And feel the cold mountain water on your feet.
When we were in the lovely adirondacks, we didn't always go to church on sunday, I don't quite remember why, but I remember the substitute. My family would hike in the woods for awhile and then we would stop and have sunday school in the woods, my dad as the teacher. These were some of my favorite times, and to be honest it's where I remember learning who God was. It's because of these times that I feel closer to God outside than anywhere else in the world
So I might not be someone who strives to climb mount everest. But I am a person who longs to be outside. I love the community, the friendship, the sence of adventure that forms when you are outside. So yes my minor might be a strange choice for someone like me, but I love it :).
I grew up spending some of my summer at my grandparents house in upstate New York. Going there was better than getting to go to Disney world. It was where I got to do all the things I loved the most. As a kindergartner I was extremely girly, so girly in fact, that I refused to wear pants and actually cried once when I had to wear them. But I didn't mind them as much if it meant I got to go on a hike in the woods. The woods where everything came to life, where everything was filled with adventure. Where everything was all mossy and wet and you could look for orange salmanders and see great beautiful waterfalls. And feel the cold mountain water on your feet.
When we were in the lovely adirondacks, we didn't always go to church on sunday, I don't quite remember why, but I remember the substitute. My family would hike in the woods for awhile and then we would stop and have sunday school in the woods, my dad as the teacher. These were some of my favorite times, and to be honest it's where I remember learning who God was. It's because of these times that I feel closer to God outside than anywhere else in the world
So I might not be someone who strives to climb mount everest. But I am a person who longs to be outside. I love the community, the friendship, the sence of adventure that forms when you are outside. So yes my minor might be a strange choice for someone like me, but I love it :).
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Yes It's late very late but that's because of an invasion of brown recluse spiders in my room ( okay it was like 4 in 7 days but still scary especially because two hours ago I found one on my bed) I am not sleeping in there and sleeping on the couch. For future reference never put a cedar roof on your house, it attracts them. Silly neighborhood and their former covenats.
Also in the animal department I have a story to tell. I was in my room yesterday doing some cleaning when I saw something move outside my window. Now I know this usally doesn't sound like a big deal but my window is in a well and faces a cement wall. Well I went over to the window and what did I see but a cute little nose, some sweet brown eyes and two long ears. Yes a baby rabbit had fallen into my well. Well after some quick thinking some internet research and many tries, my gloved hands rescued the bunny and sent it back into the yard so it could be with it's family. But it did add a little adventure to my day :).
( what it pretty much looked like, so cute)

I have recently found out who my roomies are for next year and I must say for one thing it has in it's creative way confirmed that I'm supposed to be at ccu, and it's made me quite excited. :)
Also in the animal department I have a story to tell. I was in my room yesterday doing some cleaning when I saw something move outside my window. Now I know this usally doesn't sound like a big deal but my window is in a well and faces a cement wall. Well I went over to the window and what did I see but a cute little nose, some sweet brown eyes and two long ears. Yes a baby rabbit had fallen into my well. Well after some quick thinking some internet research and many tries, my gloved hands rescued the bunny and sent it back into the yard so it could be with it's family. But it did add a little adventure to my day :).
( what it pretty much looked like, so cute)
I have recently found out who my roomies are for next year and I must say for one thing it has in it's creative way confirmed that I'm supposed to be at ccu, and it's made me quite excited. :)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
SO I have had an interesting night...
which propably cam from watching the movie regarding henry and the Jon and kate plus 8 ( ugh why did I watch it I promised myself I wouldn't watch it anymore) in the same night
God has really really really been showing me how material items do not matter tonight. What does matter is time spent falling in love with him, growing closer and loving our family and friends and living a life to Glorify God. And it brings me to a story.
I have always had a interest in missions and have grown up in a family where I don't remember a time where I wasn't praying for missionaries. As I write this right now my wonderful sister and her husband are in Guatemala doing missions work. Growing up we have always had family friends who were missionaires and I have known my whole life that missions would always be a huge part in my life. Through out middle school I signed up for missions classes at summer camp and waited for the day when I finally got to go on a missions trip.
And that day came when I was a freshman in high school, but it was not what I hoped for. Even though one girl in the children's home latched on to me, I felt like I wasn't making a difference. I was actually convinced after that one trip that I wasn't called into full time missions especially in impoverished areas. I saw the poverty and heard stories about how one girl in particular was treated by her foster parents. But I did not feel a connection, I didn't have any passion for it.
SO for the rest of high school until my junior year i did not even sign up for a mission trip even though I had ample opportunity. And to be honest it's because I didn't want to. That is until junior year when I heard God tell me so very clearly, that I needed to on a mission trip to Scotland that summer. That trip changed my life. I am a completely different person today because of that trip.
But to be honest for a long time after that trip I refused to think about going on a third world mission trip. I knew of a place I had a passion for I knew where I could make a differnce and I didn't see the point of changing it.
But God and God alone because there is no way that selfish me could of done this. But thanks to God he has taken my heart amd taken the flame that was relite for missions when I went to scotland and has molded it into a heart for helping people in general. Helping kids ministering to them. Seeing the world and experincing other cultures. And I'm praying about where I'm supposed to go with it, besides of course colorado.
which propably cam from watching the movie regarding henry and the Jon and kate plus 8 ( ugh why did I watch it I promised myself I wouldn't watch it anymore) in the same night
God has really really really been showing me how material items do not matter tonight. What does matter is time spent falling in love with him, growing closer and loving our family and friends and living a life to Glorify God. And it brings me to a story.
I have always had a interest in missions and have grown up in a family where I don't remember a time where I wasn't praying for missionaries. As I write this right now my wonderful sister and her husband are in Guatemala doing missions work. Growing up we have always had family friends who were missionaires and I have known my whole life that missions would always be a huge part in my life. Through out middle school I signed up for missions classes at summer camp and waited for the day when I finally got to go on a missions trip.
And that day came when I was a freshman in high school, but it was not what I hoped for. Even though one girl in the children's home latched on to me, I felt like I wasn't making a difference. I was actually convinced after that one trip that I wasn't called into full time missions especially in impoverished areas. I saw the poverty and heard stories about how one girl in particular was treated by her foster parents. But I did not feel a connection, I didn't have any passion for it.
SO for the rest of high school until my junior year i did not even sign up for a mission trip even though I had ample opportunity. And to be honest it's because I didn't want to. That is until junior year when I heard God tell me so very clearly, that I needed to on a mission trip to Scotland that summer. That trip changed my life. I am a completely different person today because of that trip.
But to be honest for a long time after that trip I refused to think about going on a third world mission trip. I knew of a place I had a passion for I knew where I could make a differnce and I didn't see the point of changing it.
But God and God alone because there is no way that selfish me could of done this. But thanks to God he has taken my heart amd taken the flame that was relite for missions when I went to scotland and has molded it into a heart for helping people in general. Helping kids ministering to them. Seeing the world and experincing other cultures. And I'm praying about where I'm supposed to go with it, besides of course colorado.
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