Also in the animal department I have a story to tell. I was in my room yesterday doing some cleaning when I saw something move outside my window. Now I know this usally doesn't sound like a big deal but my window is in a well and faces a cement wall. Well I went over to the window and what did I see but a cute little nose, some sweet brown eyes and two long ears. Yes a baby rabbit had fallen into my well. Well after some quick thinking some internet research and many tries, my gloved hands rescued the bunny and sent it back into the yard so it could be with it's family. But it did add a little adventure to my day :).
( what it pretty much looked like, so cute)
I have recently found out who my roomies are for next year and I must say for one thing it has in it's creative way confirmed that I'm supposed to be at ccu, and it's made me quite excited. :)
Little Bunny is sooooo cute, I'm glad you rescued him or her!!!! And I'm really sorry about the spiders - hopefully we'll get them taken care of for good real soon!!