So here's something I've never told anyone
the first time I got highlights in my hair in high school I sat in the chair weirdly feeling guilty the whole time
I have no idea why i did (which is why I kept on getting highlights, because there is nothing wrong with highlights)
but i did,
But you know what, now that I look back on it, i think it was God telling me how to be me, God showing me how he was shaping me, and how I wasn't paying any attention
God was trying to say Kim I didn't create you to be like all the other girls in marietta (not that they all got highlights), I created you to be you!!!!
but my desire to go with the flow,to be like others, made it so I didn't hear this
But slowly he showed me. He helped me fall in love with the word goober, he gave me this crazy love for Europe, and mountains, oh I love the mountains:. He lead me to Uganda, and even though Kim the shy girl is not the right fit for Ugandan culture, that trip taught me so much. He showed me how to enjoy people again, and how it really is okay to go out of the house without eyeliner and mascara.
God creates us to be nothing but us
and it doesnt matter if we don't fit the worlds perception of who shall be
because all the matters is that we are who God created us to be :)
God's doing HUGE things in my life right now, and it's scary. I could be leaving for Europe/Scotland as early as the end of may, a mere 8 months away... 8 months... Ive been home from Uganda for more then 8 months. It's so scary, and half the time I'm feeling like Moses did at the burning bush... me God.. your sending me? .. aren't you mistaken.... It's me were talking about... But you know what.... God is faithful, and more and more he's showing me I'm ready for this, even if the mere thought makes me shake in my boots.
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