Saturday, December 4, 2010

Okay so I think I'm preparing you guys for the transition to my blog being back about America
I found out the USA recently passed a law requiring healthier school lunches in the USA
I couldn't be a bigger fan
yes libertarian leaning ( well more then any other political party) me is a huge fan
See when I was little my preschool teacher called me spit on a griddle meaning that I was overly hyper, test were done and it was a fact, I had ADHD
but my mom didn't want to give me medication unless it was necessary. So I was on the feingold diet with meant no artificial anything, especially colors.
And while it wasn't a 100% success story, (and I'm not convinced this wasn't because I sneaked artificial food) it worked
That past is why I'm on the slow journey of trying to move towards all natural diet and mostly not processed/ organic diet once again. With my past it's hard for me to believe that the skeptics about organic food are right.
That and I've read the boxes of massed produced food. The place where I was, was serving relatively healthy food ( had lots of vitamins, basic food groups) and I still couldn't believe how much junk was in the food
We are what we eat.

more insight on the subject

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