Monday, September 20, 2010


Its a good word and a bad word.
And something I must admit along the past few years, is something I've become a little addicted to.
Just look at my life, I'm studying abroad in Uganda, while my home school is in Colorado. I'm minoring in Outdoor leadership while majoring in Global Studies. I dream of living in Scotland one day.
But the thing I'm realizing more and more here. That I don't need to do things because they sound adventurous, but because God's leading me to do them and because they sound like me. Okay I'll admit I'm not sure that this being my new standard would make my life less adventurous. Gods created me to be completely in love with the Outdoors and Scotland. I still am pretty sure I would cry if I ever had to have an 8 to 5 real job. But the thing I'm learning here more and more is that adventures like studying in Uganda are important because they teach me so much, but it's okay if they are not my life.

I'll be honest a week ago I didn't know if I could make it through 3 more months, but now I'm excited. I know I can do it, I want to, I'm excited to. One of the biggest things that helped me. Remembering something one of the missionaries in Rwanda told us. That you are going to be you no matter where you are.

and speaking of Adventure.........
I'm praying a lot this summer( wait it's not summer is it I mean semester) and I know for sake of my future that I need to do something either in Scotland this summer, or in the Outdoor industry, or possibly both. And I need prayers, prayers for direction: that I would go in the direction God wants me to, prayers for resources, prayers for opportunities. So if you could keep me in your prayer that would be so appreciated.

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