SO Uganda is wonderful. You know the tension I talked about, I realized why it's so important.
Its funny at the beginning of the semester The leader of the program talked about 1 degree change, I didn't get what he was saying, what? I came here so my life could be changed.
But I'm getting it now. This program isn't designed for you to have this major life changing experience that causes you to drop out of school and live in Africa. Instead it is designed to give light to the path that you are already taking, and maybe leading it down a new path that comes along. That is exactly what it is doing for me. do I still want to live in Scotland ? yes! Am I still completely in love with outdoors and colorado? yes! It's just like there are new parts I want to add to my plan. It's kind of like when your hiking and you go from hiking in the woods, to hiking through a meadow or over a stream. Your still on the same path, it just looks different.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Another bump in the road
SO mentally my brain is starting to get used to the idea of living in Uganda. I've worked things out and Uganda is defiantly becoming my home away from home. Eating is easier, bathing is easier, I'm still wondering why half of the US even has air conditioning, and does Canada have air conditioning, that's even more ridiculous. ( as long as I'm not in the south or the mid west I'm thinking this wont be part of my life again). I'm into the rhythm of classes, calling home. I feel connected with people here. Mentally it's good really good
By my body is protesting and saying no! no! you cant get used to life in Uganda. Monday on my walk home I slipped on the rolling gravel and tore up my side. It's pretty much the worst SCRAPE (which are never serious) I've ever had. And then today woke up with nausea, which if you know me you know that isn't really a typical thing for me at all. Just typical Ugandan life though everyone in the USP program is going through the same type of things.
By my body is protesting and saying no! no! you cant get used to life in Uganda. Monday on my walk home I slipped on the rolling gravel and tore up my side. It's pretty much the worst SCRAPE (which are never serious) I've ever had. And then today woke up with nausea, which if you know me you know that isn't really a typical thing for me at all. Just typical Ugandan life though everyone in the USP program is going through the same type of things.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Its a good word and a bad word.
And something I must admit along the past few years, is something I've become a little addicted to.
Just look at my life, I'm studying abroad in Uganda, while my home school is in Colorado. I'm minoring in Outdoor leadership while majoring in Global Studies. I dream of living in Scotland one day.
But the thing I'm realizing more and more here. That I don't need to do things because they sound adventurous, but because God's leading me to do them and because they sound like me. Okay I'll admit I'm not sure that this being my new standard would make my life less adventurous. Gods created me to be completely in love with the Outdoors and Scotland. I still am pretty sure I would cry if I ever had to have an 8 to 5 real job. But the thing I'm learning here more and more is that adventures like studying in Uganda are important because they teach me so much, but it's okay if they are not my life.
I'll be honest a week ago I didn't know if I could make it through 3 more months, but now I'm excited. I know I can do it, I want to, I'm excited to. One of the biggest things that helped me. Remembering something one of the missionaries in Rwanda told us. That you are going to be you no matter where you are.
and speaking of Adventure.........
I'm praying a lot this summer( wait it's not summer is it I mean semester) and I know for sake of my future that I need to do something either in Scotland this summer, or in the Outdoor industry, or possibly both. And I need prayers, prayers for direction: that I would go in the direction God wants me to, prayers for resources, prayers for opportunities. So if you could keep me in your prayer that would be so appreciated.
And something I must admit along the past few years, is something I've become a little addicted to.
Just look at my life, I'm studying abroad in Uganda, while my home school is in Colorado. I'm minoring in Outdoor leadership while majoring in Global Studies. I dream of living in Scotland one day.
But the thing I'm realizing more and more here. That I don't need to do things because they sound adventurous, but because God's leading me to do them and because they sound like me. Okay I'll admit I'm not sure that this being my new standard would make my life less adventurous. Gods created me to be completely in love with the Outdoors and Scotland. I still am pretty sure I would cry if I ever had to have an 8 to 5 real job. But the thing I'm learning here more and more is that adventures like studying in Uganda are important because they teach me so much, but it's okay if they are not my life.
I'll be honest a week ago I didn't know if I could make it through 3 more months, but now I'm excited. I know I can do it, I want to, I'm excited to. One of the biggest things that helped me. Remembering something one of the missionaries in Rwanda told us. That you are going to be you no matter where you are.
and speaking of Adventure.........
I'm praying a lot this summer( wait it's not summer is it I mean semester) and I know for sake of my future that I need to do something either in Scotland this summer, or in the Outdoor industry, or possibly both. And I need prayers, prayers for direction: that I would go in the direction God wants me to, prayers for resources, prayers for opportunities. So if you could keep me in your prayer that would be so appreciated.
Friday, September 17, 2010
( so I was reluctant to post this because I don't want people to worry but I also felt like I need to share more, whatever you do make sure you don't only read part of this)
So a common theme during USP is tension. The difficult time that will arise during the semester that will help you grow as a person.
I had my first crying experience yesterday. I am very very low on sleep thanks to a rooster that wakes me up at 4:30 in the morning. I am realizing once again (for like the one hundredth time) how special the community at CCU is, and well it makes me miss it. And then my canceled class was going to be held after all with my officially worst favorite teacher. It was to much to handle. And I had one of those feeling that I just wanted to go home.....
But God is good really good. and it's weird this morning I was sitting in my faith and Action class. Which is my only all American class. and I just kept on thinking about Scotland. One of the things I have learned here is how much I truly do feel called to live there someday, and how you can't just make up those feelings. Because believe me if you could, I would of made those feelings up about Uganda, and it would be more then just a place I'm studying at for the semester. And the more I thought about living in Scotland one day, the more I became comfortable with living here for the semester. How the stuff I learn here could really help me in the future. And then I started to dream about stuff like helping train and being emotional support for missionaries in other places, while living in Scotland, and well I started to get excited, really excited.
Part of the thing that has been hard here, is that I'm not adapting to the Ugandan culture as well as I adapt to the culture in Scotland. Instead of feeling like I understand it well enough to help other people adapt, I feel like I need help myself. But it's good really good, because I know this will help me in the future, help others.
Well I know this post will be continued further, but right now it's time for a nap. I love you all and miss you.
So a common theme during USP is tension. The difficult time that will arise during the semester that will help you grow as a person.
I had my first crying experience yesterday. I am very very low on sleep thanks to a rooster that wakes me up at 4:30 in the morning. I am realizing once again (for like the one hundredth time) how special the community at CCU is, and well it makes me miss it. And then my canceled class was going to be held after all with my officially worst favorite teacher. It was to much to handle. And I had one of those feeling that I just wanted to go home.....
But God is good really good. and it's weird this morning I was sitting in my faith and Action class. Which is my only all American class. and I just kept on thinking about Scotland. One of the things I have learned here is how much I truly do feel called to live there someday, and how you can't just make up those feelings. Because believe me if you could, I would of made those feelings up about Uganda, and it would be more then just a place I'm studying at for the semester. And the more I thought about living in Scotland one day, the more I became comfortable with living here for the semester. How the stuff I learn here could really help me in the future. And then I started to dream about stuff like helping train and being emotional support for missionaries in other places, while living in Scotland, and well I started to get excited, really excited.
Part of the thing that has been hard here, is that I'm not adapting to the Ugandan culture as well as I adapt to the culture in Scotland. Instead of feeling like I understand it well enough to help other people adapt, I feel like I need help myself. But it's good really good, because I know this will help me in the future, help others.
Well I know this post will be continued further, but right now it's time for a nap. I love you all and miss you.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
SO I was just reading in my new testament book, and it was describing the city of Jerusalem and the mountains that surround it. I cant help but compare it to where I am now. Not in anyways saying Denver is a more holy city. But just the fact that God created the mountains and the foothills I see everyday on my way to class for his glory.
My love I am slowly developing for the mountains here is one of the most expected and unexpected things about ccu. I knew I was going to love them, but i did not realize how important they would be to me. When I walk to class and I see the foothill that peers over campus, it is as if I am seeing the majesty of God in one snapshot. These mountains are indeed capturing my heart, and changing my life.
So I wrote that passage last year, describing my love for the mountains in Colorado, and also how those mountains were bringing scripture to life. And it's happening again. Being here, walking down dirt paths, living a more simple life is bringing scripture to life once again. And if that's the only thing I get from my time in Uganda it's worth it.
Because I don't necessarily feel called to missions in Africa, I can help but sometimes wonder why I'm here. Because I miss home, and miss pine trees and deep dark woods. But then I realize how much this place is allowing me to grow, how much in a way it's showing me more of who I truly am. It's teaching me about community, it's teaching me about love, it's bringing scripture to life.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Settling in
The longer I'm here, the more I get used to it, the more it becomes not strange,but familiar. It's weird, some things here that would be so weird back in the US. things such as not have a shower and having to take a bath with a bucket, seem normal. things that we regard as vital in the US, such as air conditioning, I hardly notice are gone. And there are parts of life here that I already know I will miss when I get home, such as being outside, living in open buildings. Part of me wants to always live like this, it makes me want to do something crazy like living in a tent.
I miss my family and friends ( A lot I love you guys) , but besides that I only miss little things, stuff like fall and pine trees, and crisp dry air. It's weird how such a different life, can seem so normal.
I miss my family and friends ( A lot I love you guys) , but besides that I only miss little things, stuff like fall and pine trees, and crisp dry air. It's weird how such a different life, can seem so normal.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

( in no where land inbetween Rwanda and Tanzania )
“We can do no great things; only small things with great love.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta
That was the thing I took away from Rwanda, I cant save the world, but I spread Gods love and maybe just maybe that will make a difference.
Sorry for the lack of updating, it's just so hard to process everything enough to write a blog.
I got back for Rwanda two days ago, that was a hard trip, hard to learn about the genocide, hard to be without any way of contacting home, but it was also good very good. Every time I hear from a missionary here the more sure I become that I'm headed on the right path. Even if it's just ministering to people through the outdoors, or as crazy as living in Scotland, I'm on the right path
It was weird when I got back to school because I really felt like I was back to, well not home but my African home, it was so nice. My biggest struggle here besides food has been trying to realize that I'm not just here for another week, but until December, returning helped this greatly.
Classes have started and I'm so excited for them. I like learning in Uganda because well so much of it is hands on, I wish the rest of college could be like this.
Well I'm going to go eat some peanut butter with some biscuits (cookies). See even my stomach and taste buds are getting used to African life. I learned today, salt and pepper makes a huge difference. Thank you supermarket.

Goodbye from Uganda
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