and to be honest I'm scared out of my mind. I'm scared to see the poverty, when just a homeless person on the street makes me want to cry. I'm scared that I won't feel safe, because 9th grade unadventurous, before God showed me I could trust him me, never did in Jamaica. To be honest I'm scared to see how much I will change because honestly I love my life right now. I'm afraid when I get home I'll feel guilty for parts of my life such as my ski pass which cost so much. I like who I am now, And I guess in a way it's weird to think how different I will be when I return. How different my plans for the future could be. Heck, I'm even scared I'll miss the Colorado mountains a ton
But God is there, he is there to comfort me, to guide me, to be my everything. Sometimes I look at Uganda and I forget that God will be there with me and the whole thing is unbelievably scary. And then I look at it again this time knowing God is there for me and I see hope, I see light, I know why I'm supposed to go. Sometimes I want the trip to be easy fun. But then I remember when I signed up for the trip to Uganda I didn't sign up to have a blast or for it to be easy. I signed up to be changed, for adventure, to learn how to love, no matter how hard that process might be
Please pray for peace and assurance. Please pray for my trip to Uganda.
and please if you read my blog, even if I don't know you well, please anyone reading this, comment on this post please. and well I have a special project for everyone. Every time I go to Scotland my mom (and my sister and Dad sometimes) sends me prayer letters, and these are invaluable to me during my trip. But I cant ask her to send me a letter for everyday in Uganda now can I. So it would mean so much to me if you could write a letter for me to read in Uganda. just facebook message me or my mom or look in the white pages(were the only you know who's in Wichita)for my home address and put Uganda on the back of the envelope in small letters. I know this is a silly request but it will mean so much to me while I'm there :)
Kimberly!! I will definitely do this!! God is going to carry you through this trip and use it to transform you. I am so excited for you and proud of you!! Expect a letter from me! =]
Sweet, sweet daughter of mine - I am so proud of you! I love hearing your heart. I love the way you are now, too - but I am confident that the change God works in you won't change WHO you are, but will be growth toward the completeness God intends for you: Philippians 1:6. I love you and am so excited for you - and you know I am praying with and for you always!
ReplyDeleteI feel so proud of you for going! I know this is a big step. I will pray for your peace and boldness on your travels. I am glad you are going and i can send you a letter while you are there. that's not a silly request. I will keep you on my mind.
proud of you.
I can't wait to write you letters sister! It will be great! Your heart truly inspires me and I am SO PROUD OF YOU! You know that I usually worry about you a lot, but I am honestly not worried about you at all going to Uganda! I am completely confident that the Lord has called you to go and that he will take care of you no matter what happens! There is such freedom in obeying him!
ReplyDeleteI am inspired by reading what is on your mind and in your heart. Thanks for sharing honestly so we know how to pray. I admire the courage God has given you, your determination, but your faith to step into uncharted territory for you. That is truly inspiring to this fifty some year old!!!! I will pray for you and I guess I'd better friend you on fb...or are we already friends? I'll check! Much love and praying now for your heart to take comfort in THE ONE and ONLY true COMFORTER!!!! He will give you a spirit of boldness as you give Him your fears one by one.
Polly Berry
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing what's going through your mind and heart as you prepare for this excellent adventure.
I feel like there's so much to say and I just can't seem to find the right words to convey what's on my heart. Know that Dave and I will be praying for you and excitedly watching for your updates as the Master Potter has He way with you.
God has a plan for your life and this is one step in the process...