I've been sitting here thinking about college all day, and how I have changed and how I have grown.
And I've realized something, the best thing college has done for me is that It has not only taught me to be me, but it has taught me to love the real me.
a me that isn't trying to shove herself into a box anymore, because I've realized life just goes better when I don't fit
I think about high school me, the me that was desperately trying to be like the other girls in cobb county, so that i could have friends. I was a cheerleader, I wore Ralph Lauren and pearls with my tee shirt. None of those things are bad, but I wasn't being me. Somehow I had gone from the girl in elementary school who refused to wear any logos because I believed I was advertising. To the girl who was afraid to wear anything without a logo
I was lost, I needed to be found.
God found me, he met me where I was at
Sometimes I wonder how I have changed so much. Sometimes I just have to shake my head. The girl who wouldn't go out of the house without eyeliner, only wears mascara now. The girl who wanted a white picket fence, 2.5 kids, and her dream job as a cheerleading coach now wants to see the world.
God has made me into a new creation in college and I couldn't be more thankful. He taught me how to be me, the living contradiction. Isn't life fun :)
So, friends, every day do something
that won't compute. Love the Lord.
Love the world. Work for nothing.
Take all that you have and be poor.
-Wendall Berry