Why do i feel this way?
I lived in Uganda for three months......
I'm doing everything in my power to try to move to Europe in a year and I'm praying that if it's God's will he will pave a way....
I randomly moved to New York this summer.......
I live in Colorado and crazy outdoor activities are a part of my daily life....
so why can't I consider myself braver then the average joe.....
because honestly I have a hard time believing I am,
sure I do crazy stuff
but why does that make me brave?
Definition of BRAVE
1: having or showing courage
I don't think that fits me, I'm the girl who didn't drive completely until she was 21 and didn't drive on high ways until she was 22
who is terrified of speaking in class....
the person who is terrified to ask professors questions.........
I think what it really is is that God gives us the strength to walk the path he has paved for us, my path might seems absolutely terrifying to one person, While I might think the person who isn't afraid to make a fool of themselves or is a truck driver, lives a terrifying lifestyle .
I really have a hard time saying a person is braver then another person because of singular things that they do. What I believe bravery really is, is knowing our lives are not our own and so instead we don't live for our safety but God's glory, which could mean living in the safest suburban bubble, or it could mean living in a village in Africa. God equips us, and sends us out, to be a light for him in the dark and dreary world
noun \ˈkər-ij, ˈkə-rij\ : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
I don't think that fits me, I'm the girl who didn't drive completely until she was 21 and didn't drive on high ways until she was 22
who is terrified of speaking in class....
the person who is terrified to ask professors questions.........
I think what it really is is that God gives us the strength to walk the path he has paved for us, my path might seems absolutely terrifying to one person, While I might think the person who isn't afraid to make a fool of themselves or is a truck driver, lives a terrifying lifestyle .
I really have a hard time saying a person is braver then another person because of singular things that they do. What I believe bravery really is, is knowing our lives are not our own and so instead we don't live for our safety but God's glory, which could mean living in the safest suburban bubble, or it could mean living in a village in Africa. God equips us, and sends us out, to be a light for him in the dark and dreary world