As excited as I am for Uganda,as sure as I am about where it us where God has called me, I've realized how much I'll miss being a CCU for the semester.
While I was at CCU I guess I took the community, it's specialness for granted.
But living in another christian community for the past couple of weeks has made my soul yearn for it, and it has helped me to realize how truly special it is, and how it is so much where God wants me to be.
CCU I love and miss you, see you in January.
And Uganda Christian University, if your community could give me a little taste of home even if is presented in a completely different way, that would be wonderful.
Thank you CCU, hello UCU may you become as dear to my heart the semester I will spend at you as CCU is. Allow me to grow dramatically closer to God, while becoming dramatically more myself. Increase my sense of adventure, Increase the depth of my heart.
I must strive forward, for when God calls us somewhere we are commanded to not look back.