most of my year this year I have been pondering my last minute decision to become a global studies major. One of the things that is most important to me is making sure I am being myself. So changing my major at the last minute to Global Studies because I loved going to Scotland and my world geography class made me really excited threw me for a loop. I thought numerous time this year, oh no did I make he right decision, am i being myself or did I only pick my major because of it's glory. It has scared me that I hate foreign languages, that just 5 years ago I had little interest in going anywhere internationally. It scares me that i felt out of my comfort zone in Spain, and didn't want to go to Africa ( I wanted to go to Gibraltar because it's part of the UK).
But this morning I started to realize some things, like how even when I was in Jamaica I really didn't want to go home, along with every trip I have ever been on unless I had a desire to see my family. I realized how much I have learned through traveling , and how much experiencing other cultures and places makes you grow as a person. I remember the desire I had to travel when I was little, and how I dreamed of going to Africa to help people and to see the Eiffel Tower.
Traveling going to other countries the cultures is learning. It makes us realize that life isn't the same outside of our little box. It opens us up to new ideas, new experiences. It gives us a passion for people. And for this little girl who jumped up and down when she had her first homework assignment, that makes me excited quite excited.
So I love my major, even if i have to deal with stupid politics.